After a night in Ely, Nv, we rode east toward Utah. In eastern Utah, spotted what must be a lake, or salt flat, or a salt lake.... Had to get a photo.
Started riding in 58 degree weather, nice! then it got hot, dry, then wet when the rains found us, then dry and hot again.
Made it as far as a Green River, UT for the night. Tomorrow we head down toward Moab.
An overlook in central Utah, rain in the south, heading our way. Utah has a beauty that you don't hear so much about. But the multi-colored bluffs, mountains, mesas and vistas are dramatic, even breathtaking at times.
Da'mit is running strong and long legged. She sure loves it on the road. Will need an oil change before we get home in Texas.
Nite, Da'mit
Beautiful photos! Sunny in the foreground not so sunny in the background in the second photo. I like the composition...