Top Photo of the Week
'Taking Flight'
A paloma perched on a center courtyard ledge,
nervously pacing, watching, unsure of which way to go.
Suddenly, she took flight...
The daily walks continue,
today starting with the Provincial Administrative
building on the Plaza Major
Leaving the Plaza, the meandering takes over.
At every intersection, it's look left, look right, which way shall it be today?
In the old city center, the streets are narrow, never straight.
Do I get lost here? Of course, that's part of the adventure.
But if I keep walking, eventually, there will be something I recognize.
If seriously disoriented, a five Euro taxi ride will return me to the Plaza Mayor.
Some streets are mostly empty.
The Christmas lights were hung this week.
Next week they turn them on.
Have been walking for several hours now,
must be noon as school kids are walking home for lunch.
Riding on Papa's shoulders is a highlight for any toddler.
If you have a good imagination, you could write a spy novel from this photo.
The image suggests a sinister event, while in reality,
the distant stranger had nothing to do with the two ladies racing toward me.
Another reflection,
this time, taken inside a department store...
A butcher shop...
why do you never see a skinny butcher?
Hopped over to the train station for a few photos...
Spotted the cleaning lady working alone on the platform below.
a rider emerges from the underground crosswalk
To wrap up this week's images,
geometric shapes and shadows on the station platform.
Thanks for following along as we explored what Valladolid has to offer visually.
Ride safe, ride far...