Bogota is an international hub, well positioned where South America starts. The city occupies an altiplano, a high moorland also known as high plains, in central Colombia. Though close to the Equator, the high altitude of over 8,500 feet gives the city a constant early spring cool type weather.
Here are snapshots from Bogota Colombia, a world class city with an estimated 8 million inhabitants.
The major streets are clogged with traffic, waiting for the light to change so they can slowly crawl to the next intersection.
Besides having to watch out for trucks, cars, bicycles and motorcycles, street vendors wander among the traffic selling their wares. With slow moving traffic, their risk of danger is low.
As the Christmas season approaches, the vendors offer games for sale. Other vendors are selling the chinese style straw hats to fellow vendors.
If you think about maybe taking a side street to avoid the snail paced traffic,
others are having the same thoughts....
While motorcycle are everywhere, they are most often found zipping along, splitting lanes
between automobiles and trucks.
Motorcycles are mainly the smaller displacement 100 to 175 cc oriental made brands.
Anything and everything is delivered around the city via motorcycle.
Motorcycle parking lots are a common sight.
By law, motorcyclists must wear a helmet with the bike's license numbers in large letters across the back.
The local constables with their hi-viz jackets and helmets patrol the city via motorcycle.
With so many motorcycles traveling between lanes of traffic, sideview mirrors are frequently bumped or knocked off.
Another common city sight are the push cart vendors occupying sidewalks throughout the city. Not only do they sell fruits, drinks and snacks, but also minutes for your cell phone.
Some vendors specialize in clothing. Tight stretchy blouses and even tighter print pants for the ladies are in fashion this year, to the delight of the male population.
Obesity does not seem to be a problem in this Latin country.
Construction cranes dot Bogota's skyline. Today the economy is booming.
The ingenious use of 55 gallon drums, linked together to make a trash chute down the side of new construction. As the building grows taller. just add a few more drums at the bottom.
Older traditional homes of stucco and red tile will eventually be torn down for mid-rise brick residential buildings.
Older colorful store fronts will soon be gone.
The construction crews will move in.....
Giving the city modern high rise residences and shopping centers.
Inside the malls, the tropics are still here, decorated with christmas lights, from floor to ceiling.
Having visited Colombia at various times over the past forty years, Bogota today is the cleanest I have ever seen it. No trash blowing around, no street beggars and never felt endangered or threatened while there. Getting your shoes shined is a relaxed event, with no worry of petty thieves or criminals.
Maybe because security in the city has been enhanced in recent years.
For the final shot from our short time in Colombia: a saxiphone playing Santa tooting out christmas tunes on a busy street corner, hoping for a coin or two.
Merry Christmas 2014 from all of our family to all of your family.
May your 2015 to full of life and adventure.
Ride safe, ride long and far.