Sunday, October 2, 2022

24 Hours in Rome Day One

Finally getting back to traveling after staying home in 2020-21 for Covid-19 avoidance. 

We left Texas on Sept 28th to traveled to Italy, with plans to see Rome, Florence and Venice. Gave the new black & white camera a workout; learning to adjust the settings, finding the right combination for the right exposure. What follows are some of the images captured from the first walking 24 hours in Rome. AFTER resting for a day from the long flights and even longer walks thru airport terminals to get here. Enjoy...

Part of original city wall

Electric bicycles are a common sight here

Looks like a folding electric scooter. 
Not sure how it can keep up with the fast moving traffic.

Elderly gent and umbrella casting a shadow

Cobblestone streets in the old quarters

An infamous tourist hot spot obviously, 
looking down the Spanish Steps to the fountain below from the church

 4 AM, looking up the Spanish Steps from the plaza fountain below...  
where did all the tourists go??

Remembrance Wall in the Jewish Ghetto,
where in October 1943 citizens were rounded up,
railroaded to concentration camps in Germany.

Saturday night dining for the younger crowd

Romance in the shadows

Illuminated Roman columns

That concludes today's work. Walked more miles than thought I could. 

Camera shutter finger is exhausted.

Going to bed.



  1. Great images! Rome is on my bucket list!

    1. Thank you Kolfa, Rome should be on everybody's bucketlist. So much history to see, easy walking and people are friendly. The weather in October is ideal. Summers here are too hot and too crowded. Am having fun exploring, learning to get the most out of a B&W camera.

  2. Nice job returning to the Spanish steps at the early hour! It's somewhat a shame that one has to do that to get a view of the actual steps versus just annoying crowds!

    1. Thanks, a fellow photographer had advised me to avoid the major tourist during the day, visit them at 4 am. Glad I listened to his advice.

  3. When Martha and I were there at the Spanish steps not only was a very crowded, but the dang scaffolding at the top obscured everything.

    1. Well, that sounds like a good reason to make a return visit.


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