Well, running water photos has run its course.... I know, a poor pun. Learned what I wanted to learn on how best to capture silky water. Now on to another technique... dusk and night sky photography.
Here are a few samples of what I have learned so far.
Cool Sunset
From the rains on the left to sun lit clouds on the right, blue sky in between... over the Rocky Mountains.
Blue Hour
After the sun sets and before complete darkness, is called the blue hour.
Dead Pine
On to capturing the milky way rising from the pines a few hours later.
Taos Lights
Am guessing the bright spot is the sun reflecting off a satellite. It is there every night in the same location.
Really wanted to capture a shooting star, but that happens by chance.
The ones I saw were a short streak then gone. Split seconds...
How were these images captured? By a SONY RX10 III camera, lens set at 24 mm, f-stop 2.4, ISO 3200, exposures at 15, 20 and 30 seconds, with a two second delay. Pulled out an old very heavy tripod to eliminate camera shake.
And so the COVID-19 normal is avoiding others, learn something new, practice and sanitize. Now you know taking these photos I was far removed from the danger of meeting other people. Though the danger of bears, cougars or other critters that go thump in the night, well... don't stray far from the vehicle.
Stay healthy and safe my friends,
Nice Milky Way shots!
ReplyDeleteThanks Dom, am still trying new techniques and angles to learn more about setting up a good night shot. Got the exposure down, now to add interest.
DeleteNice pics, amigo. My Sony RX III is all messed up. I pushed too many buttons, wandered down too many blind alleys. Too much tech! I'll probably end up heaving it into the woods one day. Unless you happen to know how to reset the camera to factory specs? That might be worth a try.
ReplyDeleteThanks Tony. Found this for a reset: "The camera settings may be reset if the battery pack is ejected while the power is on". Let us know if it works.
DeleteThat bright spot in the sky is Jupiter and/or Saturn! A month ago they were together (with Pluto!) in opposition. Check it out at https://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/visible-planets-tonight-mars-jupiter-venus-saturn-mercury
ReplyDeleteAccording to your linked article, the photo was taken looking south, making the two bright spots on the upper left, Jupiter and Saturn. Very interesting to know that. Will go out again tonight to take a closer look. Thanks Jerry.
DeleteThe first night I was out from 10 till midnight, the bright spot did to seem to move. The second night from 11 to 1 am, the spot moved slightly with the milky way. The third night, out from 1:30 to 4 am, the spot dipped below the horizon by 3:30. Will check out the link, thanks for that.
ReplyDeleteJust gorgeous!!! I love the night sky shots!!! Also love the pun in the beginning 🤣! You’re getting so good, Abu!!! Ready to see your work in The National Geographic Magazine!
ReplyDeleteThanks Lily, went out and scouted a few spots to try again tonight or tomorrow nights. Hope the clouds cooperate and move aside. Ran into the first elk herd of this trip, about thirty animals in all. Might be the same ones I heard all around me last night.