Sunday, October 27, 2024

Valladolid Week Three

NOTE: Sorry, had to re-work this post due to mix up on several photos.


This week had some ups and some downs...
Here is what we came up with...


 Victor,  guards the pub door where his master went in...

Patiently waiting at her feet for a treat...

The Spanish people do love their dogs... 
and coffee, and a smoke.

A brisk morning calls for coffee with friends.
But not all dining spots are in the warming sun.


...went walking the next morning.

Valladolid maintains a clean city using modern equipment and hundreds of employees.

Early morning crews wash down the city streets.

Many walk to work here, particularly in the old city center 
with its narrow streets and limited parking.

That's not pollution, just the morning haze burning off.

The Rio Pisuerga runs north-south through the middle of town.
Today it is flowing swiftly due to yesterday's rains falling up north.



 Visited the train station, but that only yielded a limited photo opp.
Will plan to arrive earlier next time.

There were a few images that showed through...
like the morning sun as it pierces the structure.

Not many people here this morning.  I was expecting to see a bustling station.
 But not to be. 

Very few passengers at this hour. Seems I missed the early commuters.

AVE, the high-speed train, accelerates for Madrid.

Rain was forecast for the next four days, 
unfortunately, the weatherman was correct this time.

That wraps up this week. 

Ride safe, ride far,



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