Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Return to Valladolid, Spain 2024

We arrived back in the Spanish wine country, same city, same block, same apartment 
as last year.  We love the location, the people, and the Castilian culture. 

After traveling for 26 hours to get here, we both then slept for twelve hours. 

The first chore after waking up was to re-stock the pantry and refrigerator. Walked two heavy bags the three blocks from GADIZ, a regional supermarket, back to the apartment. The lift carried everything up the three floors. Will make a second trip tomorrow. 

Drizzled off and on all afternoon. 
The street view from our balcony is overcast with light rain today.

Once darkness fell and the rain stopped, it was time to go walking, looking for photo opportunities.
Night photography is tricky when not using a flash or a tripod.

Here are a few shots from tonight.

One walks out the front door directly into the plaza in front of our building.

Normally this plaza is occupied in the evenings,
 with neighbors gossiping and kids running and playing.
Tonight, the light rain and cooler temperatures have pushed everyone indoors.

Walked the 7 - 8 blocks to the Plaza Major, the main plaza of Valladolid, 
not many people here either.
The large ornate building on the right is the City Hall. 
Beneath this huge plaza is an underground parking garage.

Finally, a person to photograph,
 alas, is only a mannequin with shades staring at me.

Hey, there's a real person...
someone at work, preparing a new modern-looking store for its grand opening.
TEXTURA (textures),  not sure what they might be selling there.

On a side street, lights in a fancy dining room are shining bright, illuminating the diners inside.

On a pedestrian side street, a young couple dine al fresco...
at El Corcho (The Cork).

It's getting late and colder. Only dog owners are out now.

A lady uses her bike share app to release a BIKI bicycle for her ride home. 

That's it for tonight. many more photos from the beautiful old city of Valladolid are to come. 
We will be here for a few months.

Ride safe, ride far...



  1. Looks like you're off to a good start.

    1. Thanks, then the rain slowed things down, which was good as jet lag set in. Now to really get going with the photo walks.

  2. Nice shots, Jan. BTW, I might be wrong, but I think Amtrak has a high-speed train in the Northeast Corridor. That would be Boston to D.C. I think it's called The Acela.

    1. Thanks Harry, you are my expert on the NE, so I defer to you on any HS train in the NE.


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