Sunday, December 8, 2024

Valladolid - Spanish Doors Speak

Walked out the front door, looked left, looked right, what to photograph on today's walk... hmmm?
DOORS! That's it, doors are everywhere. Today, we'll photograph different doors... in color, too. 
Flipped the switch on the camera, now we are colorful.

Here's the selection from today's walkabout...

Old Door

New Door

Open Door

Closed Door

Castle Door

Dungeon Door

Branded Door

Shouting Door

Lipstick Door

Small Print Door

Arrows pointing to Restaurant Door

 Beer Bottle Caps Nailed to Nightclub Door

That's enough!  Time to close the door...

winding up today's walkabout in Valladolid.

Ride safe, ride far, my friends



  1. speaking of "flipping the switch" from b&w to color on a digital camera....ever wonder if perhaps digital cameras have perhaps "too many" shades of gray vs what old time film cameras provided? I don't have any evidence of course but it seems to me the blacks and grays were "richer" back in the old days.

    1. Like most modern cameras, one can switch to capture images in both RAW and JPEG. Then you can tell the camera if you want the jpeg in color, B&W or several other options. The RAW will always capture all of the data that the cameras "sees" including color and luminance.
      The blacks and grey are best controlled in the darkroom. Today that darkroom is in a computer.

      I prefer B&W images, but some stories require including color for the full story, like the doors with graffiti.

  2. I love photographing doors. They each have a particular story that allows the viewer to interpret their own story.

    1. There is something about doors that demands we look at them... are we looking for a warm welcome or being closed out... don't know... or is it our natural curiosity wanting to know what is going on behnd them?
      Thanks Harry


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