Thursday, September 28, 2023

SOLITUDE - a small new book

This week, I received the author's proof for my new book "SOLITUDE". While it is small in number of pages, only 20,  it is larger than a regular novel, 8 1/2 by 11 1/2 inches. It represents a number of years in pursuit of a particular image message that captures a vast landscape with a solitary human figure.

The forward for the book reads:

This artistic series

“Be not lonely, but feel the richness of your solitude”

is offered up as a visual conversation spoken in the timeless language 

of monochrome.


Photography's relationship with solitude is paradoxical. Though photographers savor the isolation needed to create their best work, the final image begs for a viewer to interact with that image, and indirectly with the photographer. Otherwise, why take the photo in the first place?


Photographers in pursuit of that perfect image are frequently overcome with dreaded loneliness. The mere sight of another human, though far beyond speaking distance, introduces a comforting sense of safety to their solitude.


Abandoned backstreets or vast ocean beaches can make interesting snapshots, but they lack that touch of relatable warmth all humans embody. Including one human figure in a photo can initiate that interaction. No matter how minutely portrayed the human figure, that person creates a thread between the photographer, the photograph, and the viewer. The human figure is a visual magnet, drawing the viewer into the story presented. Compelling the viewer to witness the power of one person.


These selected images invite you to be where the photographer stood when exploring this wonderful world. Be there, when loneliness became solitude when a stranger appeared.


It allows both you the viewer, together with the photographer, 

to indulge not in a lonely pursuit, but in the richness of solitude.

The book cover

"Waves of Sand"
White Sands, New Mexico, 2021

"Plaza Belgrano Shadows"
Lujan, Argentina  2009

"Cathedral Nuestra Señora de la Asuncion"
Valladolid, Spain  2022

"Sea Wall"
Casablanca, Morocco  2013

"Arno River"
Florence, Italy  2022

"Low Tide"
Llanes, Spain 2022

"Seas Stacks"
Black Sand Beach, Reynisfjall, Iceland  2020

"Mision Santa Rosalia"
Mulegé, Baja California, Mexico  2022

"Desert Queen"
Imperial Desert, California 2021

"Calle de Santo Domingo"
Valladolid, Spain  2022

Some photographers get mad when a stranger appears in their camera viewfinder. 
I welcome strangers to intrude on my shots. It lets my viewers know that we are not alone in this world. 

No matter where we roam, or where we go, a fellow human is often nearby. 
If even only a spec on the horizon, I am not lonely.

I relish the quiet solitude.

Ride safe, ride far...


p.s. Sorry for the blog being out of service for a week month or so. was registered with Google Domain names. They sold their domain service to SquareSpace, where the annual fee was about to be increased. So I moved to a different, less expensive domain registry. 

No one mentioned that when you moved your domain name from one host to another that you would lose the link to your blog. The blog was still there, no content was lost. But the internet could no longer make the link. That has finally been corrected.

Am an analog person trying to survive in a high tech world. Did I ever mention how much I hate the computers built into motorcycles these days...?  

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Colorado Hwy 17 Loop & Clouds

In August, during a trip to northern New Mexico, I had a day off so decided to go looking for clouds. Actually, the goal was to photograph clouds that I could use in future photography projects.

North of Eagle Nest, is the entrance to a fledging elk hunting ranch. They are gathering sheds and placing them on their massive entrance gate. For those not familiar, every winter elk and deer shed their antlers in order to grow a bigger, stronger set in the spring. Shed-hunters roam the mountains looking for antlers shed by migrating by bucks and bulls. Prize sheds can be sold to artisans who create lamps and chandeliers with the antlers. Knowing where a shed was found, also tells biologists and hunters where the strongest, healthiest animals are living.

North of Questa, NM, on NM- 522 heading north to Colorado, I found some interesting clouds.
This is a wide flat valley where NM-522 becomes CO-159 at the state line.

With the flat horizon, I can photograph clouds with little or no other structures in the view.

Turning west toward Manassa on CO-142, one crosses a bridge over the infamous Rio Grande. Here you could walk cross the river bed without getting your ankles wet. The headwaters of the Rio Grande are in the San Juan Mountains of Colorado.

Manassa's favorite son is heavyweight boxing champion Jack Dempsey, who left the San Luis Valley farming community for fame and fortune.

Dropping down to Antonito to pick up CO-17, we point the rig west, toward the San Juan Mountains. After stopping for a great hamburger lunch at the Red Bear Lodge in Horca, CO, the big red rig easily climbs the steep road toward La Manga and Cumbre Passes. Both over 10,000' before reaching Chama, Tierra Amarilla, and Taos in NM.

Back in Angel Fire, after making the 280 mile loop up through Colorado,
 the fading afternoon sun gave me the opportunity to capture 
some fine art B&W shots of sage brush.

 Moreno Valley sunset

As the sun drops beneath the horizon, a coolness slowly slides down the mountainside into the valley. 
There might be frost on the sage in the morning.

One last fine art shot,
 Behind the preacher's chair is a country church window with a view.

Black & White or monochrome photography continues to challenge my thinking and seeing.
Forcing me to study the world as shapes, lines, textures, and light. 

I love the mental challenge.


Sunday, September 3, 2023

July 4th Parade

Still learning how to utilize the strengths and weaknesses of a monochrome camera.

A foggy morning walk around the neighborhood lake offered this shot. 
The geese are still in the grass, the water surface still undisturbed.

Jerry Brown is a Black and White photographer with many years of experience. 
He freely critics my work and offers suggestions, which I heed. 


Then the 4th of July parade rolled around. 
Have been training Chuy (Chewbaca) to ride in the sidecar in preparation for the parade.

So Chuy, Adrian and Alex shared the sidecar for the parade, tossing candy and waving to friends.

On a sad note for me, Chuy has gone to live with Adrian, Alex and their two dogs. They puppy-sat Chuy for a few days while we were on a trip. He had so much fun running and playing with their two dogs, it did not seem right that he would not have that level of activity and stimulation living with a couple of senior citizens. 
Now I go visit him every so often. He knows me and loves licking my face. But when it comes time for me to leave, he shows no interest in going with me. He is happy in his new home.

They said he loves watching movies with them, barking at coyotes and vampires. 
